Photo de Patroka


Informations générales

Type Catégorie Niveau(x) Emplacement(s)


Flesh Eater


Challenge Battle Enemy

Niv.33 Niv.42 Niv.58

Bulge Harbor

Genbu Crown



Flesh Eater



Challenge Battle Enemy


Niv.33 Niv.42 Niv.58


Bulge Harbor

Genbu Crown


Nom Type Rareté Taux
Common Core Crystal Cristal Coeur 100%
Common Core Crystal Cristal Coeur 100%
Common Core Crystal Cristal Coeur 100%
Rare Core Crystal Cristal Coeur 100%



Statistiques de combat

Rencontre : Port de Bulge

Élément PV Force Éther Dexterité Agilité Chance Déf. Physique Déf. Ether Taux Critique Taux Esquive
166200 261 261 121 121 127 0 % 0 % 5 % 5 %

Rencontre : Couronne de Genbu

Élément PV Force Éther Dexterité Agilité Chance Déf. Physique Déf. Ether Taux Critique Taux Esquive
% % % %

Liste des Arts

Rencontre : Port de Bulge

Nom Type Élément Coup Zone d'effet Dégâts Réaction Effet
Fire Flower Ether 15 Ahead 200 Increases damage dealt from the back by 100%.
Fire Flower - Peony Ether 1 Frontal Cone 300 Topple
Fire Flower - Wasp Ether 16 Random Target 650
Dancing Lotus Ether 1 Circle 200 Creates a damaging ring of fire on the ground.
Dancing Abyss Physical 3 One Target 300 Break / Topple / Lauch

Rencontre : Couronne de Genbu

Nom Type Élément Coup Zone d'effet Dégâts Réaction Effet
Swallow's Flight Physical 3 One Target 100
Great Garland Ether 1 Circle 250 Creates a damaging ring of fire on the ground.
Eight Spirits Ether 1 Frontal Cone 150 Topple Will Topple even if Targets aren't Broken.
Faster than the Eye Physical 8 One Target 400 Increases damage dealt from the back by 100%.
Sword ex Machina Summon 1 One Target 100 Summons Weather Changer.
Silver Lining Status One Target Appears to grant some kind of Aura that reduces the duration of active Blade Combos in a radius. Patroka uses this after Sword ex Machina and will not use either Art again, even after the Weather Changer dies.
Dragonfly Slash Physical 1 One Target 400 Blade Affinity Down
Ephemeral Moon Ether 3 Frontal Cone 400 Smash